Michael Frank
Gerard Holthuis
Dianne Ouellette


Ben van Lieshout
Peter Tscherkassky

Jean Luc Godard
Matt Hulse


Vladislav Knezevic

Jesper Bernt & Kare V.Polusen


Andreja Kuluncic

Calin Dan
Giles Rollestone
Andrej Velikanov & Julia



Tomislav Gotovac, Croatia
One of the most impressive personalitiies in Croatian culture was born on 9th of February 1937 in Sombor. Since 1941 lives in Zagreb. He is engaged in film-making and art work since 1962. On 10th of April 1967 he organised his first happening together with Ivo Lukas and Hrvoje Sercar. In the fall of the same year he starts his studies at the Academy for theatre, film and television in Belgrade, where he graduated in 1976.Reason for his ten yeas studying was his apperiance in “Plastic Jesus” a film by Lazar Stojanovic, made in 1971 and screened in 1991. In 1979. begins with the series of performances. about which he said (Vijenac, 8. 10. 1998.): “From my point of view, Jesus Christ and everything that happened around him was a performance, so I consider him the first performer”.

Fulco Lorenzo, The Netherlands
Born in 1964. Studied School of Visual Arts in Utrecht, Holland Santbergen Academy for Television in Hilversum, Holland and St. Lucas Film Academy in Brussels, Belgium. Worked as an assistant director on several film and television productions. Works as a scriptwriter and director and was awarded for his short films at the Festival of Gijon, Spain.

Franci Slak, Slovenia
Born in 1953. Graduated at the Polish Film School in Lodz. Between 1970. and 1990. he completed several experimental, documentary and TV films. As film writer/director he debuted with film “Times of Crisis” in 1981. This low-budget road movie entered Berlin Forum and participated at many other film festivals. This year. Franci Slak directed 5-part TV series on the life of the romantic poet France Prešeren.


Sophie Delvallée, France
After some educative years, travelling between visual arts, photography, stage performances, radio programs, I spend 4 years as assistant director and co-scenarist in film industry. Actually, ( prefering the meeting and interactivity with the audience,) I work as transdisciplinary artist mixing theater-dance performance, art video, in re-created or directed space. Various influences and residences, Avignon/Paris, Prague, Lisbon, Morocco. Born in 1971, in France.

Piotr Krajewski, Poland
Graduated on the Wroclaw University in Poland, where he lives. Co-founder of Open Studio-an independent cultural institution dedecated to media art and culture. Founder and Artistic director of Internatinal Art Biebbale. Author of series of television programa on media art for Polish State Television. Member of polish section of Internatinal Asiciation of Art Critics.

Diana Nenadić, Croatia
Born in Split in 1962. Graduated at the Zagreb University of political sciences. Publishing film critics in the newspapers, magazines and on radio and TV. Since late 80’s. Editor in “Croatian Film Annual” and on the Croatian radio.


Biljana Tanurovska, Macedonia Jan Schuijren, The Netherlands
Born 1964, Amstenrade (NL). Until 1988 cultural and social studies. Post-graduate in New Media in 1991. Production and post-production of feature film and television productions from 1990 to 1992. Joined MonteVideo/Time Based Arts, Amsterdam in 1992, working on the production and distribution of video and media art works. In 1997, this organization emerges into the “Netherlands Media Art Institute, Montevideo/TBA”. From 1997 on, responsible for the single channel and installations collection, and initiating, developing and producing exhibitions, screenings and presentations at (inter)national venues. Works in addition as an independent curator, amongst others in partnership with the “hARTware” collective based in Dortmund, Germany, in order to collaborate internationally in independent exhibition projects.

Sandra Sterle, Croatia
Born in Zadrar, Croatia, in 1965. Started her Art education at the School for applide arts in Split. Graduated at the sculpture deoartment of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. Also studied film and video at the Kunstakademie Dusseldorf.