Helen de Witt,UK
Going Out and Staying In: How can cinemas survive against the tide of streaming?
Streaming giants like Netflix and Amazon have becoming increasingly dominant internationally across all aspects of the film world from production to exhibition. The rise of these online platforms has caused great concern as to the future viability of cinema-going as a form of public entertainment. This talk will look at this issue in detail including some innovative strategies that cinemas in the UK have used to keep the audiences coming through the doors
UMAS / Art Academy
Glagoljaška ulica 18, Split
23 / 9 / 17:00
Helen de Witt
Helen de Witt is a Programme Advisor for the Experimenta strand. She is a curator and lecturer in Film Studies at Birkbeck and University of the Arts London. Helen was previously Head of Cinemas at the BFI.
Rober Arnold
Persistence of Vision: The Relation of the Still to the Moving image
Several of my short experimental films and videos have explored the relationship between the still and the moving image, in a variety of different ways.
This simple, fundamental and familiar fact, that moving pictures are based on still (non-moving) images, has been a source of child-like fascination and wonder to me from the start.
In this lecture/demonstration, I will discuss this idea in relation to my work and some of the different ways that I have explored the relation between still and moving image, including using still images as the basis for movement, and treating moving images as stills in the creative process. I will also discuss some other films and ideas related to this theme that have influenced and inspired my thinking and my creative process.
UMAS / Art Academy
Glagoljaška ulica 18, Split
20 / 9 / 17:00
Rober Arnold
Robert Arnold has been making short experimental films and videos since the 1980’s. Many of these works concern the relationship between the still and moving image and explore different non-narrative strategies of closure in the short film.
Darko Stipaničev
Artificial intelligence yesterday and today
We live in an age when artificial intelligence from science fiction films is becoming more and more an integral part of our daily lives. We are often unaware of this, and we may not be all that pleased with it, but the fact is that we will have to learn to live in harmony with artificial intelligence systems. That is why, in April 2019, the EU Parliament issued ‘Ethical Guidelines for Reliable Artificial Intelligence’, which emphasized that all artificial intelligence systems operating among humans should be legal, ethical and robust to technical and social errors. The main objective of this lecture is to give a brief introduction to the films that follow and to look at what was once said about artificial intelligence and what it can really do today
UMAS / Art Academy
Glagoljaška ulica 18, Split
19 / 9 / 17:00
Darko Stipaničev
He is a full member of HATZ (Croatian Academy of Engineering) and a member of numerous scientific and professional societies. Head of the postgraduate scientific study of electrical engineering of FESB since 1994. Head of the Chair of Modeling and Intelligent Systems