Romain Vakilitabar
USA, 2017, 6’50”
A short virtual reality experience which takes place in Kibera, Africa’s biggest slum on the outskirts of Nairobi. Through an empathy based approach, it seeks to change the way in which we perceive poverty in Africa.
Romain Vakilitabar
After a bad accident where he was forced to contemplate life, Romain decided he would pursue a journey worth living. Since then, he published his children’s book communicating climate change to younger audiences, traveled the world with Unreasonable at Sea, a social entrepreneurship accelerator on a ship, helping 9 ventures scale globally, and helped build Watson University, a new university model for 25 of the world’s most promising next generation leaders, as Vice President. Romain is now founder of PathosVR, a virtual reality lab creating empathy-based and perception-changing experiences. He’s written for, is featured in the new books “2 Billion Under 20” and “Compassionate Careers”, has spoken internationally, and was voluntarily homeless in the streets of Scandinavia to train his mental resilience and to test the dogma that “need is the mother of all invention.”