Ricardo Vieira Lisboa
Portugal 2018 8’
Commissioned essay by the Portuguese Cinemateca made from the newly digitized analogue restoration of “Rita ou Rito?…” and “O Táxi n.º 9297” (Reinaldo Ferreira, 1927), two silent Portuguese films dealing with transvestism, racial tensions, crime and heavy drug using in the 1920’s, before Estado Novos’s dictatorship.
In 1927, Reinaldo Ferreira, a well-known journalist and writer who published under the pen name ‘Repórter X’, founded the cinema production company Repórter X Film, through which he directed four films that same year. Among them we find “O Táxi no. 9297” and “Rita ou Rito?…”, where homosexuality, transvestism and drug use feature explicitly in Portuguese cinema for the first time. Reinaldo’s Motifs is an audiovisual essay that focuses on a series of recurrent motifs in Reinaldo Ferreira’s cinematic work.
Ricardo Lisboa
Born in Lisbon, 1991. Holds an undergraduate and master’s degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (from Instituto Superior Técnico) and a master’s degree in Cinema — Directing and Dramaturgy (from Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema) with a thesis on “Film Preservation as Re-choreography in Bárbara Virgína’s ‘Três Dias sem Deus'”. Works as a film programmer for IndieLisboa – International Film Festival and occasionally as a curator for the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. He is a film critic for À Pala de Walsh, a website he co-edits and co-founded. He has developed several papers and academic articles on the history of Portuguese film and film preservation and restoration, as well as participated and moderated several round tables and countless Q&A’s in film sessions.
7/10 Zlatna vrata 19:00